Used Stand Mixer Using A Stand Mixer To Make Cookies?

Using a stand mixer to make cookies? - used stand mixer

I make cookies every few days for my family, it is obvious that carried tons of prizes. At Christmas I got a KitchenAid stand mixer and each lot as I became with the sharper and less sweet cookies, if you use a blender or mix by hand. I use the same recipe that I always do. Is there a reason for the mix to make cookies less sweet?


stagelad... said...

You can overload the dough. Since you do a drummer, that the ingredients can into the pot and other things now, do not wait for you. I use a KitchenAid well. Mido all my time with ingredients and containers for use. If everything is measured from the mixture. Only the mixture until it is needed. I cook literally hundreds of cookies for Christmas, and I have no problem with the texture. I love my blender and I do not know what I do without her.

Good luck.

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